Win A Holiday VIP Package to Brazil With BetFair
This is the best news ever, Betfair has managed to rollout new promotions. It has come up with amazing promotions that grant players a life time opportunity to win a VIP Brazil holiday. This is just not any type of holiday as it comes with a full package and a whole lot of a fantastic experience ever. It has launched scratch cards that will entitle players to win a variety of prizes.
The promotion runs till the 17th of December and to qualify for these prizes, you need to acquire on 10 player points (or $0.50 in rake) from every bet that you make. By playing real money games (ring games and tournaments) you are guaranteed to win a scratch card that has to reveal three flags that are identical upon scratching it.
There are 11 prizes to be won and each prize is represented by a country but the biggest win of all is the VIP Brazil Holiday Package.
The top three prizes which come in the form of VIP Brazil holiday package, Premier League package and a VIP level booster will not be given within 24 hours of them being won like the other prizes. But winners will be notified face to face if any of three prizes are won.
The promotion will end when all the 2,503,611 scratch cards are all won, however the other promotion that is also being offered is one were you can win up to $1,000 in cash. The promotion concentrates on the player points that you earn throughout the promotion running till the 17th of December.
In this part of the Betfair promotion you have to get 10 player points on 5 separate days from now till the end of the promotion and you can also be awarded whooping $1,000 freeroll entry. You can win $20 bucks when you manage to get 100 players points on 20 separate days. The biggest price that one can get is when you managed to earn 1000 players points on 50 separate days to win a seat in the superb freeroll plus a VIP Brazil package and $1,000 cash.