Terms of Use for Betting.ca
As with any form of gambling if you place or lay sports betting wagers there is always a risk you can lose as well as win, and as such please always be aware of the risks before placing any kind of wager online.
All of the betting sites listed and their bonus offers are for information purposes only, and as such you also need to be aware that any free bet or bonus promotions mentioned on our website is and are subject to change at any time and you need to visit the respective betting site to check the validity of any offer or promotion you see listed on our website.
Here at the Betting.ca website we have of course got a strict privacy policy on the website and as such, you can view this by following the links to the Privacy Policy page, however, we cannot be held responsible for the content or betting interfaces or betting platforms supplied on any website we have linked to our have listed upon our website.
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